Our mission is to generate superior risk-adjusted returns by sourcing off-market and value-add transactions in major markets utilizing our full-service, comprehensive investment platform. Our broad investment platform permits us the flexibility to capitalize on opportunities throughout the capital structure whether through equity investments or debt financing, tailoring the most appropriate, profitable and secure structure for each opportunity.
Core Values
Real Estate Analytics
Our team possesses a deep understanding of all property types and has the knowledge and experience to analyze complex situations and transactions. We maintain a long-term investment horizon, are familiar with most major markets around the US, and employ a bottom-up approach to underwriting and property valuations.
Value Creation
Our creativity, analytical rigor, and attention to detail, together with our experience and hands-on asset management approach, allows us to create significant value for investors, partners, and borrowers. We hold ourselves to the highest professional standards and are consistently striving for excellence.
Active Portfolio Management
We actively manage all the assets in our portfolio, and continuously focus on identifying potential opportunities to maximize returns. Similarly, we pro-actively monitor potential issues before they arise, so that risk mitigation strategies can be undertaken in advance.